Nathan's SE Asia Blog

Sunday, September 24, 2006

First Post

Hello everyone,

Right now I'm in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and I figured it might be easiest to communicate what I'm doing by setting up a blog rather than sending out mass emails. I'm not sure how frequently or thoroughly I'll post, but I'll give it a try. I'm going to try to post what I've been doing before this.

The organization that runs the trip to Southeast Asia is called Pacific Challenge. Their website is

Feel free to comment on my posts to tell me what types of things I should write about. I'll probably just write about what I'm doing, which is probably a bit boring (but I'm sure my parents would like to read about it). If you want more details or an analysis of something, let me know. I'm sure that there will be plenty of spelling and grammatical errors, and usually as most of you know I would not find this acceptable. However, I don't have enough time to edit these posts much, so remember that I probably know how to spell the word even if I typed it incorrectly (heh).



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